Safe. Simple. Fast. Contact-Free Traffic Stops

Who else thinks there's a better way to keep our roads safe?

  • Civilian evidence submission
  • Traffic stops over video, voice and text
  • Advanced ticketing, payments, messaging and analytics
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what people are saying
Dashcam ticketing is the first real innovation to put an end to tailgating.
- Jon M.
As an ex-cop, I would have felt safer Airstop. It's also a must-have for the rain and cold!
- Ben K.
It's like PreCheck for traffic stops. And it's free. Why wouldn't you want this?
- Kristin S.
Have a phone? You're all set. Add a dashcam to ticket anyone that puts you at risk.

Join our community of contact-free traffic enforcement. Snap a video of that person tailgating you and collect a portion of the fee. If a cop pulls you over, never worry about an escalation or being stuck there for 20 minutes.

virtual traffic stops
Airstop enables both video and voice-based virtual stops to improve safety, speed, and comfort for drivers and police.
community evidence submission
Submit video evidence of a traffic violation and receive a portion of the funds collected.
flexible payment options and discounts
Pay your fines however you want, and receive incentives for doing it on time.
What are you doing to make things better?

Traffic enforcement policies have remained largely the same since the 1980s. The "way we've always done it" hasn't worked and is not what we deserve.

end accidents from wreckless driving
With tens of millions of accidents every year, virtually 0% are with police cars. With Airstop dashcam ticketing, every car will be treated with the same respect as a police vehicle.
Customize and enforce protocol
Customize protocols based on state and local guidance. Ensure protocols are followed with Airstop.
spend less and collect more
With Airstop, cities can keep our roads safe in less time and with fewer resources.
Face-to-face traffic stops are unnecessary for the majority of violations

Why should anyone's life ever be at risk to deliver a speeding citation? Airstop allows officers to conduct safe traffic stops from their vehicle in minutes.

stay safe and prevent escalations
Contact-free traffic stops remove any chance of unnecessary escalation and tragic situations.
built for all weather conditions
Do you want to stand in the cold or rain? We didn't think so.
preventing social media mockery
Just because you're a public servant, doesn't mean you deserve public humiliation. Do your job from the peace of your cruiser.

Here's how you can help

After you sign up, message your local representatives and police and demand Airstop in your state or city.

Watch a live Airstop

In minutes, the citizen and the police officer are back on the road.
Get a free airstop account
face-to-face stops per year in the US. Even if 99% go perfectly, that's 200k chances for tragedy.
accident-related injuries and 1.3M deaths worldwide
of national GDP spent on car accidents
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